Red Racca

I'm a


Application Security Specialist

  • Email:
  • Phone: +1 (416) 897-5475
  • City: Toronto, CA

Application Security Specialist in the field of IT Security. Utilizing development background in automating security and crafting custom tools.
Interested in expanding existing knowledge and wisdom in the field of IT Security. Other interests are in the field of Game Development, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Blockchain Technology.


Projects completed

Games developed

Certifications received

Seminars as a speaker

Technical Skills

Swift 4
Unreal Engine 4
Microsoft Visual Studio



Red Racca

Well-versed in technical and soft skills through professional and personal experience. Holds accountable and ownership in projects/tasks. Seeks the best option given the current scenario and possibilities. Meets deadlines and adapts to changes swiftly. Shows initiative in improving a process/design. Open in getting and making feedback/constructive criticism.

  • Toronto, ON
  • +1 (416) 897-5475


Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology

June 2015 - March 2019

Mapua Institute of Technology, Makati, Philippines

GPA: 3.37
Specialized in Microsoft .NET Technologies

Relevant Courses Include: Software Engineering, Microsoft .NET Technologies, Advanced Programming

Junior IT Analyst Program - Bootcamp

January 2020 - May 2020

NPower Canada, Toronto, ON

14-week intensive in-class training on the fundamentals of computer technology, and project management essentials.

Google Cloud Engineer Associate Program - Bootcamp

September 2020 - November 2020

NPower Canada, Toronto, ON

Online bootcamp in preparation for the Google Cloud Associate Certification.


GIAC Security Essentials Certification (GSEC)

Issued: Nov 2022
Expires: Nov 2026

Toronto, ON

The GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC) certification validates a practitioner's knowledge of information security beyond simple terminology and concepts. GSEC certification holders are demonstrating that they are qualified for hands-on IT systems roles with respect to security tasks.

Verified Badge via Credly Here

CompTIA A+

Issued: May 2020
Expires: May 2026

Toronto, ON

CompTIA A+ certified professionals have demonstrated baseline security skills for IT support roles and are able to detect and remove malware, address privacy concerns, and troubleshoot core service challenges.

Verified Badge via Credly Here

Cisco IT Essentials Certification

Issued: May 2020

Toronto, ON

More information:

Professional Experience

Application Security Specialist

May 2022 - Present

Stantec Inc., Toronto, ON (Remote)

Client Support Representative

January 2022 - April 2022

Wavelo/Tucows Inc., Toronto, ON (Remote)

  • Analyzes root cause of client's issues with the company's endpoints by careful investigation resulting in a higher team efficiency and faster triaging to corresponding development teams.
  • Shares valuable knowledge such as shortcuts and keywords to the team providing faster options in investigating client tickets.
  • Represented the company in business meetings and diligently took important and key notes ensuring it gets delivered to corresponding development teams.

Care Platform Support

November 2021 - January 2022

Tucows Inc., Toronto, ON (Remote)

  • Analyzed client issues and reproduced the same error for efficient triaging to the correct team and prevented duplication of similar issue/s being resolved.
  • Reviewed and simplified current processes by recommending potential automation/clarification with documentation.
  • Peer reviewed tickets and provided meaningful comments, suggestions, and corrections providing growth and learning to peers and self.

Customer Advisor

June 2020 - November 2021

Tucows Inc., Toronto, ON (Remote)

  • Reported all customer feedbacks to the reporting manager improving the overall quality of customer service. Efforts result in identifying a problem found on different customers and escalating it accordingly for a solution.
  • Troubleshooting on the fly extended to related issues not covered by the service the company provides. In result, it gives better customer experience which gives good feedback to the company. Received an average of 95% customer satisfaction on all monthly feedback reports.
  • Showed ownership/expertise on subject matter by providing timely answers and keeping it simple and understandable to all customers.

Grocery Team Member

October 2019 - June 2020

Whole Foods Market, Markham, ON

  • Supervised a small team of three overseeing the quality and completeness of tasks. Effectively finished work within the time frame and on occasions of absentees, managed to make workarounds without sacrificing quality while being in time.
  • Recognized employee of the week by going above and beyond with assisting a customer which took time in leaving a good customer service feedback for me.
  • Managed time and showed initiative with adjusting to the store's needs by clocking in early when it was needed.

Software Engineer Intern

June 2019 - September 2019

Sterling Information Technologies Inc., Toronto/Markham, Canada

  • Gathered and analyzed project requirements during my informational interview with the owner which landed me this software engineer internship. Suggested modifications to the startup project leading to a faster delivery date.
  • Designed a data warehouse schema based on the project requirements. The schema was presented and approved by my manager. It was used as the backbone of the whole project for the startup on how data will be stored, related, and managed.
  • Developed an initial ETL process via Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services, and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. The ETL process started the initial data for the web application providing better
  • Programmed a Web Application using ASP.NET Core and ReactJS, following the MVC framework which connects to the data warehouse and to a 3rd party provider via REST API. Integrated 3rd party services as a payment processing services such as Elavon and Authorize.NET.
  • Represented the company in a startup event and roundtable discussion with prospective clients. Gained personal connections with other professionals from the FinTech industry and exposure for the startup/project.

Mobile Application Developer Intern

July 2018 - October 2018

Digital Services Cambridge Ltd., Makati, Philippines

  • Gather information on the processes of the company. Analyzed the needs of the company based on the gathered processes. Pitched a concept that helps improve and automate one of their processes involving logistics.
  • Presented the proof of concept to the General Manager and Division Managers resulting in an approval to develop the project. Updated the managers in Sprint Reviews every 2-weeks followed by a Sprint Retrospective.
  • Developed the mobile application using XCode and Swift v4.0. The team used Scrum and developed the application within 3 months and completed all tickets within the timebox.
  • Utilized Git and specifically, BitBucket, as the version manager for the project. Effectively managed builds from colleagues and merged accordingly resulting with no problem with the main branch.
  • Improved efficiency of communication by utilizing Slack and in-person approach when needed to discuss/clarify a task/process.
  • Initiated a UX Design that improved the usability of the application and made it more friendly and easy to use by the employees.


  • All
  • Web App
  • Mobile App
  • Games
  • Art
  • Seminars



Toronto, ON


+1 (416) 897-5475